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Use this SEO Competitor Analysis template to build a rock-solid SEO strategy! With accurate analysis and the right tools, size out your competitors and see what they are doing well, what aren’t they doing well, and why.

Template Includes


  • Traffic & Visibility Findings
  • Content Score
  • Estimate Organic Traffic Value
  • Avg. # of Images in Articles
  • Domain Score
  • Desktop Site Speed
  • Avg. # of words per article
  • Logo
  • Outbound Links
  • Visibility
  • Domain Age
  • Blog Post Frequency
  • Organic Traffic Trend
  • Keyword Growth Trend
  • URL
  • Domain Findings
  • Content Findings
  • Technical Findings
  • Monthly Organic Traffic
  • # of KWs in Top 3
  • Traffic & Visibility Score
  • # of Indexed Blog Pages
  • Page Speed Score
  • # of KWs ranking in 1st page
  • Mobile Site Speed
  • # of KWs ranking in 2nd page
  • Linking Domains

  • Accessibility
  • Traffic & Visibility
  • Status Board
  • Content Quality
  • Getting Started Guide
  • Domain Performance
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